Tree pruning is the action of removing dead, dying and diseased branches, branches that rub together, and any branch stubs so the entire tree continues to thrive. While it is a normal and important part of woodland management, there are some common misconceptions about tree pruning that prevent business owners from making their grounds safe.
Here are the common myths and misconceptions about tree pruning - debunked!
This is possibly the biggest misconception about tree pruning and it couldn’t be further from the truth. Regardless of their species, all trees need pruning.
Pruning trees ensures that trees are strong and healthy and also makes them branch out in different directions, thus giving them a fuller appearance. Failing to prune your trees will not only negatively affect their appearance but their health too, so it’s crucial you take care of your trees and invest in tree pruning services.
While removal of large quantities of live tissue during periods of high temperatures or drought can cause significant stress or decline, especially in mature trees, pruning including corrective pruning, or light crown cleaning can be done during the summer months without causing any harm.
Removing the roots of a tree can result in significant damage to the tree.
Root pruning destroys the old growth balances of trees and changes their assimilation abilities, nutrient distributions, and hormone levels. The combined action of these elements can cause different effects on growth and fruit quality, and in worst-case scenarios, root pruning can result in the tree dying or falling over.
Many people believe that you can prune fruit and shade trees in the same way, however, this is not the case.
Shade trees are pruned much less and not as heavily as fruit trees. This is because fruit trees are pruned every year in order to encourage the growth of the wood which eventually will lead to the production of future crops of fruit.
While some species of trees bleed excessively when pruned early during the spring season, this bleeding does not do any significant damage to the tree.
So, when pruning trees like birch or maple during spring, don’t worry if they exude sap as this is normal and doesn’t mean that your tree is damaged.
If you are looking for commercial tree pruning services to keep your grounds looking their best all year round, then look no further than GMCB Ltd.
At GMCB Ltd, we offer a range of grounds maintenance services including everything from weed killing to car park gritting to keep your property looking clean and professional.
Get in touch with us here at GMCB Ltd today for more information.