With summer fast approaching, it might be just the right time to start sprucing up your garden. With barbecues and garden parties inbound, having a well-kept garden is just the thing you need! And getting stuck into some gardening can be a rewarding and entertaining hobby as the weather starts to improve! Keep reading to find our guide to sprucing up your garden just in time for summer!
There are a whole range of things you can do with your garden, from proper lawn care all the way through to decorating your furniture! Even the more mundane tasks like weeding will help you improve the overall look of your garden. This is our list of 7 main things you can try to improve your garden's aesthetic.
Pruning and weeding can seem like one of the less fun tasks, but it is an essential step for preening your garden. Weeding is important for your garden, soil and lawn as weeds can hog the nutrients in the soil and prevent them from getting to the areas that need them. So removing them is definitely in your garden's best interest.
When it comes to removing weeds, there are plenty of options:
● Weed killing sprays - Weed sprays are a great option for tackling your weeds. They can penetrate the soil and get to the most stubborn roots, ensuring that all of the weed is gone.
● Homemade weed killers - Some people may prefer to use a homemade weed killing spray over a shop bought one. This may be because of the unknown chemicals in a commercial spray. Homemade sprays often contain household kitchen items, however, they may not always work as effectively as commercial spray because they are not as strong.
● Hand picking - This can be quite time consuming and physically strenuous, but with the help of either homemade or commercial weed killing sprays, your job can become much easier.
Once you are through with your weeds, it’s equally important to make sure that they don’t come back. Keeping your grass long, using mulch and high quality grass seed can help you maintain a healthy, weed free lawn.
After weeding, pruning up your garden and getting rid of any debris, junk or rubbish will help you clear the space and get it already looking that little bit better.
Before you start anything else, giving your garden tools the once over is definitely a good idea. It’s important to start the season with a set of clean and appropriate gardening tools. You don’t want to get stuck into a DIY or garden project and realise you have damaged or unusable tools.
Simply check all your tools for damage and give them a quick clean up, so that they are ready to go exactly when you need them.
Having a lush and healthy lawn is another great way to get your garden looking the part for summer. Many people will start to cut their lawns as we move into spring and the weather becomes better, but it is important to remember to leave your grass at a slightly higher length, so that deep grass roots can develop. This will help lead you to a healthier lawn.
Watering your lawn is another thing you can do to maintain its health. People often panic when their lawn starts to brown and dry in the heat, but when rainy weather returns, your lawn will go back to a luscious green. If you spot dry patches in your lawn and want to remedy them quickly, you can always use a gentle watering can or a specific nozzle on the end of your hosepipe to water your grass.
Try to avoid using sprinklers to water your grass regularly, because overwatering will only lead to more problems further down the line.
There is a whole world of plants that you can introduce to your garden in the spring. If you’re someone who is looking for a burst of colour to liven up your backyard, then planting flowers can go a long way.
If you’re just getting started, then there are plenty of flowers that are simple to plant and maintain, which can be a beautiful addition to your garden. Such as:
● Sunflowers
● Petunias
● Dahlias
● Zinnias
● Marigolds
These are just a few of the common flowers you can plant around your garden to brighten it up. You can also get creative with the placement of your flowers. If you have borders around your lawn, planting flowers there could be a great idea. You could also invest in some hanging baskets, and place those around your garden too, for a smaller decorative piece. If you have beds in your garden, flowers could make a colourful centrepiece here too.
If you don’t want to put flowers in your garden beds, they are great for growing your own vegetables at home. If you’re someone who enjoys growing your own produce or wants to get started, then planting anything from carrots to potatoes in your garden beds can create a healthy and functioning garden.
Encouraging wildlife into your garden can really improve it. By facilitating the natural ecosystem, you are encouraging a healthy and working garden. You can find all sorts of wildlife in your garden. From the birds that are up high in the trees to little hedgehogs that hide in the shrubs, there is no limit to the amount of wildlife you can house.
If you want to encourage more wildlife into your garden, try some simple ideas, such as bird feeders or a bird bath. Trees and shrubs in your garden will always make a cosy little home for hedgehogs and other nocturnal animals. If you’ve decided to plant a burst of colourful flowers, this is sure to attract butterflies and bees, which will pollinate other flowers and keep the natural ecosystem flowing.
Your garden furniture is another way to keep things in your garden looking fresh. Old or worn furniture can easily make your garden look more tired, but a quick lick of paint can fix this! If your furniture is wooden, try painting it to liven it up a little! Or, if you are in need of some brand new pieces, treat yourself to some luxury and comfortable furniture.
It will pay off to do your research, visit a range of garden furniture stores and find the beet garden furniture for your home.
With all these garden tips, it’s also important to start caring for your garden and planting things at the right time. By doing this, you are ensuring that everything is planted, weeded and sowed in the right growing conditions, so that your garden can thrive in the beautiful summer sunshine.
Spring time is the ideal time to start preparing your garden. Around April and May are good times to start thinking about your summer garden plans. Soil will begin to warm around March and April , so weeding should be your top priority before you go ahead and adorn your garden with beautiful flowers. You also don’t want to be working hard in your garden during the colder months, so tackling the pesky jobs like clearing up can be done in the early spring.
If you are gardening in your backyard at home, these tips can be quite handy! However, if you are someone looking to take care of a commercial garden or property, then we are here to help. Here at GMCB Ltd, we provide an excellent and quality service which will take care of your grounds maintenance.
Based in Edinburgh, we offer a range of services, covering commercial grounds maintenance and weed killing all the way to gritting services and remote control lawn mowers. We understand that large grounds require proper care, and we pride ourselves on our quality maintenance.
If you are interested in our services, or want to find out more about what we can offer you, feel free to
get in touch today and speak to one of our team.