Getting your garden ready for spring and summer can seem like a daunting task. Especially with all pesky weeds hanging around. The best way to avoid weeds is to prevent them altogether by keeping your lawn lush and eliminating thin spots, mulching around garden plants and landscaping properly so seeds can’t reach the soil. However, they may often make their way through, so here are different kinds of weeds and how you can get rid of them.
Also known as Canada thistle, this plant is native to Europe and Western Asia. These weeds have spiky leaves that make them a nuisance in your garden. They develop 1,500 to 5,000 seeds in their purple flowers which reseed or spread through their roots. It will require a lot of persistence to get rid of these weeds and you may need to use a combination of herbicides and hand-digging.
Recognisable by their sprawling leaves, these types of weeds often appear at the edge of your garden, near fencing or in any scrap of dirt. It’s quite a common plant so there are plenty of pre-emergence herbicides that you can put on your garden in spring. Combine this with lawn fertiliser and you’ll have the perfect combination to rid your lawn of these invasive weeds.
Common weeds in the UK, we often see dandelions everywhere. You can easily remove them by hand or by using a daisy grubber or weed puller. When you pull the weed out of the ground, make sure you pull out the entire root. To kill dandelions, use vinegar, clove oil or another organic spray directly on the leaves on a dry day. After a few hours, the leaves will have turned brown and withered.
These weeds can cause a painful sting when you brush past them, and they often don’t look too nice either. They thrive in rich, moist soil and can often grow up to five feet tall with sawtooth leaves. It’s the hairs on the leaves that cause a sting and may leave you with small welts or a rash. In order to remove them, you’ll have to carefully pull them from the ground using gloves. Cover your arms and legs and bag them up for your green waste bin.
Do you need landscaping services and weed killing in Central Scotland? Look no further than GMCB Ltd, we’re a landscaping company offering weed killing, grounds maintenance, tree surgery and land clearing services.
Get in touch today.