The weather in Scotland is just as unpredictable as in the rest of the UK. And while we are moving away from winter and heading towards spring, the weather could throw a curveball and send us straight back into cold temperatures for one last time.
To beat unpredictable weather and sudden drops in temperature, gritting is vital. Read on to find out more about why gritting is so important and the benefits of preventative gritting.
Grit is actually just a type of salt, specifically mined rock salt. The brownish colour of grit comes from the fact that it is unrefined and has impurities in it. This grit is spread across surfaces and works in two separate ways. First, it prevents any ice from forming on the surface, and second, it melts any existing ice. This is why it can be used as a precautionary measure, but is also useful once the ice has already formed. The grit mixed with water produces brine, which can lower the freezing temperature of the water that has been frozen and cause it to melt.
Gritting is important as it can help to keep roads, car parks and walkways clear of any ice. Ice is an incredibly dangerous surface to be walking or driving over, as you are much more likely to slip. Pedestrians could really hurt themselves slipping and falling onto solid ice, while a driver could lose control of their vehicle and cause an accident.
Preventative gritting is the process of predicting when gritting services might be needed so they can be applied in advance. It usually involves looking at weather data to predict whether the conditions are going to be bad enough that gritting will be required. Then gritting vehicles will go out and apply the grit, so the roads, car parks or paths don’t even get a chance to ice up and become unsafe. Preventative gritting is usually done at night when the roads are quiet, so by the time people are awake the grit will have had a chance to do its magic.
As we’ve said in this blog, gritting services are very important. They help keep roads and pavements clear of treacherous ice, which can reduce the risk of accidents and allow a person to go about their day as normal even when the weather is adverse.
GMCB Ltd are reliable gritting contractors who can provide both scheduled and emergency gritting services to clients in Edinburgh and the surrounding areas. We can grit both roads and car parks, with preventative and reactive gritting available if needed. With the unpredictability of British weather, working with a company that can offer preventative measures, as well as speedy and reliable emergency gritting is key.
Get in touch with us today if you want to find out any more information about our gritting services, or any other of our
grounds maintenance, tree surgery or land clearing services.