When you own a business that covers a lot of area, it can be hard to find the time and workforce to keep it well-maintained, sometimes resulting in this being put on the backburner. This is the last thing you want, since it is important for your grounds to be well-kept in order to look attractive for your customers and upkeep their satisfaction, as well as creating a healthy environment.
Hiring a commercial grounds maintenance company to do this for you means any necessary landscaping jobs will be completed efficiently to a professional standard, taking the responsibility off your shoulders and allowing you to focus on other administrative tasks.
Below are 3 examples of businesses that could especially benefit from landscaping services.
Caravan parks are a popular destination for couples’ weekend getaways and family domestic holidays - especially so after the recent pandemic. They also have a lot of ground to maintain.
Since these sites are often located off-road in converted fields, they need to provide suitable car parking for their visitors, especially those who don’t feel comfortable parking off-road. Landscaping services are able to offer car park gritting, creating designated parking that provides good grip for your customers to safely drive and park on in all types of weather - especially with the amount of snow, sleet and rain Scotland experiences.
Caravan parks would also benefit from commercial pressure washing, which would keep all paving clean as well as the caravans and their bases themselves.
It’s safe to say that you won’t be looking long when finding somewhere to play golf in Scotland, being the birthplace of the sport. In order to play efficiently, however, golf courses require intensive groundskeeping.
Golf courses are often located on grassy, hilly terrain. This requires slope mowers to effectively navigate this landscape and keep the grass cut short for golf players. Being located in areas often rich in flora, land clearance may also be required in order to control the growth of dense vegetation, keeping the golf course clear and ensuring any golf balls that get hit off-course aren’t too hard to locate and retrieve.
Parish, town, city and county councils are responsible for the general maintenance of the land and areas within their boundaries. As such, they are required to resolve any landscaping issues that arise on top of the general maintenance they carry out.
For example, they are responsible for arranging tree pruning, hedge cutting and embankment mowing in the case that such vegetation is causing a physical or visual obstruction to drivers. Similarly, they must arrange snow clearance in the event that heavy snowfall (as is likely in Scotland) has settled on roads and pavements, becoming an inconvenience and safety hazard for drivers and pedestrians.
If you’re in need of a commercial grounds maintenance contractor or landscaper, you’ll find that GMCB offers services that are second to none. We offer our quality landscaping services across Central Scotland, holding 15 years of experience behind our belt.
Contact us today for your free quote or more information about the services we provide.